Should You Pay the Ransomware Demand
While it’s origins go back further, ransomware has become common only in the last few years. In this post we’ll cover scenarios where you might pay the ransom, situations where you wouldn’t even consider paying the ransom, and all of the details. This article is part of our Definitive Guide to Ransomware series: Common Ransomware Demands When […]
Common Ransomware Attacks
Ransomware attacks are becoming more and more common, but there are three key tactics crime actors employ to attack your network and systems. In this article we’ll cover three common ransomware attacks and the best practices to follow to prevent each one. This article is part of our Definitive Guide to Ransomware series: EXAMPLES OF RANSOMWARE ATTACKS […]
The Definitive Guide to Phishing
Did you know that 95% of all malware is delivered via email? And 32% of data breaches also involve phishing. Phishing is a growing threat to businesses and individuals globally. If you’re just learning about phishing, or trying to gather information to help you combat it in your organization, we’ve compiled a guide to get you up-to-speed. This article […]
What is Spear Phishing?
In the last year, nearly 76% of businesses reported a phishing attack. Over 1.5 million new phishing sites are created every month. And phishing accounts for 90% of all data breaches. Phishing continues to be a growing concern for businesses and individuals that do any business online. Phishing, a social engineering attack typically delivered via email, impersonating a trusted brand […]
What is Whaling?
Whaling phishing is a targeted attack directed at high-level company employees, such as a CEO or CFO. Like other phishing attacks, the goal of whaling phishing is to impersonate a trusted person or brand and, by using social engineering tactics, trick the recipient into relaying sensitive information or transferring funds to the attacker. In this […]